Salt and Pictures Logo
  • Client

    Celsa Messgeräte

  • Testimonial

    Timo Bernhard

  • Directors

    Lennart Neumann & Wilhelm Schulz

CELSA Brand Film

  • Client

    Celsa Messgeräte

  • Testimonial

    Timo Bernhard

  • Directors

    Lennart Neumann & Wilhelm Schulz

Current transformers and measuring devices for industrial applications - with its products, CELSA Messgeräte is one of the B2B big brands in this field. Our task was to produce an emotional, gripping brand story with a relevant message.

Emotional storytelling for a very technical, cool product in a B2B context. With an emotional superstructure, we created a brand story for the products and the people behind CELSA that wraps up their mission in an exciting image film.

You can watch the BTS here.